Frequently asked questions

The easiest and fastest way will be to send us an e-mail containing details of the products you wish to order. Our sales department will respond to your order within 24 hours maximum.

There is no minimum order quantity in our company – we process orders starting from one piece. However, the general rule is that the larger the order, the lower the unit price. Some products or printing techniques involve high preparation costs, which translates into a higher price per piece for smaller print runs.

The standard production time is up to 10 working days after the final visualization is accepted and the order is confirmed. For cast medals, the time extends to 20 working days.

Delivery time is usually 48 to 96 hours from the dispatch of goods. Shipments are made via DPD (PostNord) and UPS courier companies, and for pallet shipments – RABEN.

Payment is made by bank transfer to our account indicated on the invoice, in the currency in which you received the quote. You can also use international transfer intermediaries such as Wise (https://wise.com).

Up to the amount of €4000, we can provide goods with deferred payment. You will pay for your order only after you receive the goods, having at least 7 days to do so. However, we reserve the right to refuse this form of delivery. The decision to defer payment is in each case based on a positive verification of your company/organization by our insurer, Euler Hermes. Verification is based on publicly available data, without your participation.

If you operate as a company and are registered in the European VAT Information System (VIES), you will be invoiced with a 0% VAT rate. Registration in the system is free of charge. For private individuals, VAT will be added to the net price at the rate applicable in your country.

We offer products of varying quality – from cheaper, budget options ideal as mass marketing products, to high-end brand-name products.

For most products, it is possible to obtain a sample, usually sent free of charge. For customized products, such as medals or statuettes, we send copies from previous productions for other customers as samples.

Before each production, we prepare a visualization of the finished product, which shows its final appearance. However, please note that visualization is a computer simulation and may differ slightly from the final effect on the target product.

We have an extensive graphics department, both creative and technical, at your disposal. We do most of the graphic work at no extra charge, the exception may be services such as creative preparation of logos or designs.

We use all printing and marking techniques available on the market, such as screen printing, sublimation, embroidery, heat transfer, flex film, DTF, DTG, embossing, UV printing, pad printing, engraving and others.

All prints and decorations are made in Poland, according to the highest quality standards, taking care of the environment and complying with European Union regulations.

Due to the fact that all of our realizations are made to a specific order, it is not possible to return unused or excess goods.

Despite our best efforts to make everything perfect, mistakes can happen. If you have any issues with your order – dissatisfaction with the product, an error on our part or other difficulties – please send us an email describing the problem. We never leave a customer unsupported, we always try to find a solution that satisfies the customer first and foremost. In accordance with promo-vision.pl’s terms and conditions, you have 14 days from the date of delivery to submit any comments.
